A local commentary and analysis on Land to Land emphasizing on the philanthropic role the organization brings forth to both to the refugees it serves and possible attributions to local communities plus businesses. Utilizing her expansive resources, Myriam (Mylo) Lopez details her plans of action on how she made it possible for both of her flourishing organizations to effectively coexist and assist one another while achieving her humanitarian goals in this heartfelt interview with Channel 3 News.

News 3 - Russian Refugee Asylum

A look into this brief article written by NV grow reveals the dire situation many Russians and Ukrainians face as they flood into the United States due to the continual conflict between their two countries. While Mylo Lopez was actively assisting these individuals in their transition to American life, NV grow detailed their ongoing promotional intentions with both Land to Land and Mylofleur.

MyloFleur and Land to Land

A forlorn analysis on the uncertainty faced by refugees derived from Russia and Ukraine as they hope to thrive in their precarious new lives in America as they flee tumultuous situations. In doing so, Channel 8 News and Klas sought out philanthropic organizations and individuals such as Land to Land owned by Myriam Lopez and how she provides both monetary and legal assistance to these individuals.


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